
  • 造句1:辛苦了一天临下班时,工作会偷鸡摸狗一点是自然的。
    英  文:It's natural for work to steal a dog's day after a hard day's work.
  • 造句2:第一次青年创作会议,初次崭露头角和大有希望的人不下数百。
    英  文:The first youth creative conference was the first to make a big show and there were hundreds of promising people.
  • 造句3:有时一项职责明确的工作会因一些自愿承担的任务而乱作一团。
    英  文:Sometimes a job with clear responsibilities will be confused by some voluntary tasks.
  • 造句4:我相信埃莉诺在妇女中所做的工作会见成效的。
    英  文:I believe that Eleanor's work in women has met with success.
  • 造句5:作会来,也会去,来之不易的是诚实,是和蔼,是忠贞不渝,而这些品质无疑比一份工作重要多了。
    英  文:Work comes and goes, and the hard-won qualities of honesty, kindness, and loyalty are undoubtedly more important than a job.
  • 造句6:如果关于人类活动主题的艺术都有可能衰落的话,只有爱情的艺术之作会永恒。
    英  文:If the art of human activity is likely to decline, only the art of love will last forever.


1.举行会盟。 2.指各种聚会。

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