
  • 造句1:闲步清风丽日的时光里,看远山微翠,树枝摇曳,多想用眼眸作画笔,去临慕海天一色的旷远与深邃,揽远山近水于心,以素心描绘窗台前兰花的优雅,收尽素年的每一朵嫣然。
    英  文:In the time of the breeze, the twigs of the mountain, the twigs of the trees, the brush of the branches, and the long and deep colors of the sky, the near water from the mountains, the elegance of the orchids in the front of the windowsill, and every sweet of the years.
  • 造句2:金农常托罗聘代笔,罗聘作画也常请金农题署,故后来产生了金农的画全出于罗聘之手的误传。
    英  文:Jinnong often asked Luo Bin to write for him, and Luo Bin often asked Jinnong Theme Bureau to paint for him, so later Jinnong's paintings were all misinterpreted by Luo Bin.
  • 造句3:那时,我被她作画的专注打动,强烈的好奇心推挤着我拥到她的身旁,我好怕打扰到这样静默的她。
    英  文:At that time, I was moved by the concentration of her paintings, the intense curiosity pushed me to her side, I was afraid to disturb her so silent.
  • 造句4:那天下午,我在家打着赤膊,用高压锅煮稀饭,由于急着作画,没等高压锅冷却就打开,结果整个前胸严重烫伤住院。
    英  文:That afternoon, I was naked at home and cooked porridge in a high-pressure cooker. Because I was eager to draw, I opened the cooker without waiting for it to cool down. As a result, I was hospitalized with severe burns on my forechest.
  • 造句5:近几年来,简锦益自号云山子,他真可谓是个“仙风道骨”的长者,作画纯用水墨点染,不加任何色彩。
    英  文:In recent years, Jian Jinyi is known as Yunshan Zi. He is really an elder of immortal style and moral character. His paintings are stained with pure ink without any color.
  • 造句6:走着走着,便不再一味的去迎合别人,只为自己的人生写诗作画
    英  文:Walking, no longer blindly to cater for others, only to write poems for their own life.
  • 造句7:虽然年近九十的高龄,但他每天作画不辍,有时一天下来,作画十多幅,毫无倦意。
    英  文:Although he is nearly ninety years old, he paints constantly every day. Sometimes he draws more than ten paintings a day without any tiredness.
  • 造句8:草堂还未动工,城东的朋友便来请和尚到河下去,那边有处幽静的大树堂,就请和尚在大树堂作画、写字、做诗、治印。
    英  文:Before the construction of the grass hall started, friends from the east of the city invited monks to go down to the river. There was a quiet tree hall over there. They asked monks to draw, write, write poems and seal in the tree hall.
  • 造句9:而这里更出名的更是流落风尘女子还有吟诗作画,风流倜傥的文人墨客和仙侠,相对于这里实在是没什么好去评论的。
    英  文:And the more famous here are the exiled women, poetry and painting, the romantic and Daoist literati, poets and fairy swordsmen. There is really nothing to comment on compared with here.
  • 造句10:细看之下,这画上的女子,似乎和作画之人长得几乎一模一样。
    英  文:On closer inspection, the woman in this painting seems to look almost identical to the person who painted it.
  • 造句11:素笺上的那些不离,那些不弃,是风中的承诺。碾转万千,终是无影无踪。我们如流水过客,不曾留下来过的痕迹。曾想,最浪漫的事,就是陪你看风听雨,写书作画
    英  文:Those are not those left behind, but they are the promises in the wind. It is no trace of it. We are like passing water, never leaving traces. Once thought, the most romantic thing is to accompany you to watch the wind, listen to the rain, write books and draw pictures.
  • 造句12:每逢评花会举办期间,文人墨客争相来到评花会现场,写书作画,呤诗作赋,经常出现万头涌动的情景。
    英  文:Every time the flower appraisal meeting is held, literati and ink visitors rush to the flower appraisal meeting site to write books and paintings, poetry and fu, often surging.
  • 造句13:枯黄的落叶在风中婆沙起舞,将落未落的枯叶在风中沙沙作响,街边小店的门窗上都有着一层薄薄的哈气,用手在上面作画也是儿时的快乐。
    英  文:The withered and yellow leaves dance in the wind and rustle the withered leaves in the wind. There is a thin breath on the doors and windows of street shops. Painting on them with hands is also a childhood joy.
  • 造句14:有时她在一旁作画,他在一旁看球赛,很晚的时候她就会做一些宵夜,然后两个人一起欣赏月色。
    英  文:Sometimes she was painting on the side. He watched the game on one side. She would do some midnight snack at night, and then two people would enjoy the moonlight together.
  • 造句15:春天最适合作画了,老干孤绝,新花红瘦,为你画一枝梅花吧。
    英  文:Spring is the most suitable for painting. The old is lonely and the new flower is thin. Draw a plum blossom for you.
  • 造句16:时光若水,是谁在红尘深处,用温柔作画,用静好填词,温润了那朵清幽的莲?有泪,在眼角氤氲成一朵婉约,你的一声懂你,清瘦了一莲幽梦。
    英  文:Time is like water, who is in the depths of mortals, with gentle painting, with quiet and good words, moist that quiet lotus? There is tears in the corner of the eyes into a gentle, your understanding of you, thin a lotus dream.
  • 造句17:作画者,如画成不分浓淡之毛笔画,用铅笔改正其阴阳、明暗、反正之形态也。
    英  文:If a painter changes his painting into a brush without distinction between shades and shades, he will correct his Yin and Yang, light and shade with pencil.
  • 造句18:携一朵彩云作画,撩动墨色,清拨湖面,簇一湖荷花绽香的温柔。烟雨江南,一世繁华,待我倾尽天下,只为陪你踏碎那一场盛世烟花。
    英  文:Paint with a colorful cloud, stir up the ink, clear the lake, and cluster the gentle fragrance of a lake and lotus blossoms. Misty rain and the south, I thrive, and wait for me to make the world, only to accompany you to break that flourishing fireworks.
  • 造句19:据说此姝在达芬奇为她作画的时候并不开心,后者绞尽脑汁,甚至请了小丑杂技班来表演才能让她解颐一笑。
    英  文:It is said that this is not happy when she paints for her. The latter has racked her brains and even asked clown acrobatics classes to perform to make her smile.
  • 造句20:抱石展示所作画多幅,并将往年在东京由沫若主催举办个展的照片也拿了出来。
    英  文:There are many paintings on the Boulder Show, and the photos of a solo exhibition held in Tokyo by Moruozhu in the past year are also taken out.
  • 造句21:惟愿此生,为你倾尽笔墨作画,来生,原为你负了那一场,江南烟雨。
    英  文:Only wish this life, for your pen and ink painting, afterlife, originally for you to take the place, Jiangnan misty rain.
  • 造句22:偷偷向湖心再看,皇上依旧在作画,婉嫔依旧在嬉笑,正常的紧。
    英  文:Looking back at the lake secretly, the emperor was still painting, and the euphemism was still laughing and normal tightness.
  • 造句23:今生,只做你心里唯一的牵绊,以素心对月,以温柔待你,时光里倾听一曲风的呢喃,让我在你的掌心,写诗作画,与你共一场云水天涯。
    英  文:This life, only in your mind the only obstacle, with a heart to the moon, to treat you gently, in time to listen to a wind of twittering, let me in your palm, writing poetry, and you share a cloud of water.
  • 造句24:今天看来,这些也许都是加官进爵的好机会,某些人会求之不得,可他却从不投机,专心作画
    英  文:Today, it seems that these may be good opportunities to add officers to the ranks, some people will not want, but he has never speculated, concentrate on painting.
  • 造句25:久经尘世,漂泊江湖,年轮经传,青烟又起,打马而过的时光,总是在人生的归途里,化作画上的山山水水,文里的真真切切。
    英  文:Long past the world, wandering the river, the ring pass, the smoke and the horse and the time, always in the way of life, the painting of the mountains and rivers, the true and true in the text.
  • 造句26:为皇家作画,首先要了解皇家的要求与圣上的爱好。
    英  文:To paint for the Royal family, one must first understand the Royal requirements and sacred hobbies.


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