
  • 造句1:蒙巴顿不顾同僚们的劝告,当晚邀请尼赫鲁前来作客,一起在办公室内品尝波尔图葡萄酒。
    英  文:Despite the advice of his colleagues, Mombarton invited Nehru to his office that evening to taste Porto wine.
  • 造句2:聊了片刻,陈文婉言谢绝了周家的前往家中作客的邀请。
    英  文:After chatting for a moment, Chen Wen declined the invitation of the Zhou family to visit his home.
  • 造句3:柯林斯简直手舞足蹈地欢迎自己的朋友,伊丽莎白受到这么亲切的欢迎,就越发满意于这次的作客了。
    英  文:Collins simply danced to welcome her friends, and Elizabeth became more and more satisfied with the visit.
  • 造句4:我们部队既派遣了一个部队过川东作客,本军又多了一个税收局卡,给养也充足了些。
    英  文:Our army has sent a unit to visit Eastern Sichuan. Our army has an additional tax bureau card and sufficient supplies.


1.谓寄居异地。 2.作客商。 3.去别人处做客人。

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