
  • 造句1:遇上款情况,甲方和乙方可以通过协商,规定让渡价格和租赁金,协商意向不能成立时,可用鉴定的让渡价格和租金作价交易。
    英  文:In the case of the above paragraph, Party A and Party B may stipulate the transfer price and rent through negotiation. If the intention of negotiation is not tenable, the transfer price and rent price can be traded by appraisal.
  • 造句2:认罪了的虽名为缴出枪械子弹,其实则无枪无弹,照例作价折钱,枪每支折合一百八十元,子弹每排一元五角,多数是把现钱派人挑来。
    英  文:Although the guilty confession is called surrender of firearms and bullets, in fact, there is no gun and no bullet. As a rule, the price of each gun is reduced to 180 yuan, and the bullet is one dollar and fifty cents per row. Most of them are sent to pick up cash.



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