
  • 造句1:究其实质还是私心杂念作怪,私字当头,一门心思维护个人形象和利益,实际上损害了党和政府形象。
    英  文:In essence, it is selfish misconceptions, personal words, and concentrate on protecting personal image and interests. In fact, it damages the image of the Party and the government.
  • 造句2:毫无疑问,这种看法在很大程度是由于嫉妒在作怪,是一种载重马对阵观赏马的典型情境。
    英  文:Undoubtedly, this view is largely due to jealousy, which is a typical scenario in which a heavy horse faces an ornamental horse.
  • 造句3:殊不知,眼见耳闻心想,无论巨细美丑皆是一心无别。是一心在作怪,是一心在变现差别相而已。明白一心无别,就能找回自己。
    英  文:Little do I know that seeing or hearing is a great difference between beauty and ugliness. It is all in one's mind to make a difference. You can find yourself without any difference.
  • 造句4:欢乐谷的班车要到八点半才来,天冷,大伙儿贪玩心理作怪,也就感觉不到天冷了。
    英  文:Happy Valley's bus doesn't come until 8:30. It's cold. Everyone's playful, so they don't feel cold.
  • 造句5:有时,不喜欢别人乱碰我的东西,不喜欢与朋友近距离接触,不喜欢分享自己的所有物。除去一点点的小洁癖,剩下的纯粹是占有欲在作怪
    英  文:Sometimes, love others not touch my things, not love and friends close contact, do not love to share their possessions. Remove a little bit older, the rest is purely possessive in time!
  • 造句6:显耀地位的人,往往是地位不高,虚荣心作怪,显耀财富的人,往往口袋空空,是在自欺欺人。
    英  文:People with high status tend to be those with low status, vanity, wealth, and empty pockets, deceiving themselves.
  • 造句7:是我不善言辞,是我尖酸刻薄,是我不懂世故。嗯,都是我不好,不懂如何表达,也不愿意承认错误和胆怯,所以朋友才一个个走掉,所以朋友都被朋友抢走,所以我就必须要孤独终老,所以我是囧人多作怪
    英  文:I am not good at words, I am bitter, I do not understand the world. Well, I am not good, do not understand how to express, and do not want to admit mistakes and cowardice, so friends are left out one by one, so friends are taken away by friends, so I have to be lonely and end the old, so I am the most embarrassing person.
  • 造句8:岳平阳暗骂,臭猪头,明明是私心作怪,偏要搞得公正无私。
    英  文:Yue Pingyang scolded, stinky pig head, it is clearly selfish to make mischief, but to do justice and selflessness.
  • 造句9:尽管我的大丈夫主义再作怪,可我还是准备找个地方问问路,在城里来回兜了几圈,车里的油已经所剩不多了,时间又是如此的宝贵。
    英  文:Despite my great-husbandism, I was ready to find a place to ask for directions and go around the city for a few laps. There was not much oil left in the car and time was so precious.


1.谓鬼神等与人为难。 2.指捣鬼,起坏作用。 3.泛指发生影响,起作用。 4.犹离奇古怪。 5.发生性行为的讳称。

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